Cloud edge

Mike Coleman
Mike Coleman

MicroK8s and ngrok: Easy ingress at the edge

Leverage ngrok with MicroK8s for efficient, secure edge computing and easy Kubernetes ingress setup across your networks.
Chad Tindel
Chad Tindel

Transform connectivity with ngrok: A strategic edge for modern enterprises

Learn how ngrok redefines digital transformation, offering strategic advantages in security, efficiency, and innovation for modern enterprises.
March 21, 2024
min read
Nijiko Yonskai
Nijiko Yonskai

Introducing Cloud Edges for all ngrok users

Announcing the addition of Cloud Edges to our free tier to deliver production apps and APIs on ngrok
August 28, 2023
min read
Nijiko Yonskai
Nijiko Yonskai

Static domains for all ngrok users

All ngrok users can now claim one static domain for free. With your free static domain, you no longer need to worry about broken links caused by agent restarts, or updating webhook providers / mobile apps with new URLs.
August 16, 2023
min read
Scott McAllister
Scott McAllister

Kubernetes Ingress with ngrok and HashiCorp Consul

HashiCorp Consul provides a scalable and highly resilient platform for managing traffic across microservices. When paired with ngrok, Consul provides a robust and secure way for service-to-service communication within a Kubernetes cluster to communicate, while ngrok can seamlessly and securely provide public ingress to those services.
August 15, 2023
min read
Scott McAllister
Scott McAllister

Webhook Verification with ngrok Edges

Keep your webhook verification settings around awhile by configuring them using an ngrok Cloud Edge. This post will demonstrate the process using the ngrok Dashboard as well as the ngrok-go library.
July 10, 2023
min read
Alex Bezek
Alex Bezek

Introducing the ngrok Ingress Controller for Kubernetes

Today, we're excited to announce the ngrok ingress controller, our native and open-source Kubernetes (k8s) resource for adding public, secure, and high-available ingress traffic to your k8s clusters.
June 26, 2023
min read
Alan Shreve
Alan Shreve

Send your ngrok traffic as logs to Datadog

Today, we’re excited to announce ngrok’s integration with Datadog Logs. You can now send logs of your ngrok traffic to Datadog with just a few clicks. Observability is a key requirement for delivering production apps. This release expands upon our logging integrations to include Datadog Logs alongside AWS CloudWatch Logs, AWS Kinesis, and AWS Firehose.
June 12, 2023
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Josh Robson Chase
Josh Robson Chase

Introducing ngrok-rs - safe and portable network ingress to your Rust apps 🦀

Today, we're excited to announce ngrok-rs, our native and idiomatic crate for embedding secure ingress directly into your Rust applications. If you’ve used ngrok before, you can think of ngrok-rs as the ngrok agent packaged as a Rust crate.
March 29, 2023
min read
Alan Shreve
Alan Shreve

Introducing ngrok-go: Ingress to Your Go Apps as a net.Listener

Today, we're excited to announce ngrok-go, our idiomatic Go package for embedding secure ingress directly into your Go applications. If you’ve used ngrok before, you can think of ngrok-go as the ngrok agent packaged as a Go library.
March 9, 2023
min read
Frederico Hakamine
Frederico Hakamine

Webhook Security in the Real World

Webhooks are the foundation of modern API development. They enable us to react to changes in our systems, an incoming text message, a successful payment, or that latest pull request no matter our stack. While webhooks are universal in concept, they are unstandardized API contracts with few organizations paying attention to their design, security controls, and overall operational experience.
November 14, 2022
min read
Keith Casey
Keith Casey

ngrok: Defense in Depth

Securing your environment is challenging in the best of times. With ngrok, you can centralize management to ensure policies are applied consistently, no matter the stack.
June 28, 2022
min read
Keith Casey
Keith Casey

The ngrok Cheat Sheet

How to run ngrok with Slack webhook authentication? How to use GitHub OAuth? How to serve files? This cheat sheet shows the main commands! Print it and hang it on your wall or download it and keep it on hand.
May 12, 2022
min read
Frederico Hakamine
Frederico Hakamine

Securing your Apps with Cloud Edge

Learn how to use ngrok Cloud Edge middleware to address app requirements – such as observability, load balancing, compression, and security – fast and without the burden of running and maintaining a middleware infrastructure.
April 26, 2022
min read
Frederico Hakamine
Frederico Hakamine

Securing your Applications with OAuth 2.0 in seconds

ngrok Secure Tunnels provides a simple to enable remote access to systems. With one command— i.e. `ngrok http 80` — you can share your apps, APIs, and systems with the world, without complex network configuration, reliability issues, and NAT. However, with power comes great responsibility so let's add OAuth 2.0
April 19, 2022
min read